Horse Show Withdrawal

Your guide to navigating horse show withdrawal. Between a pandemic, injuries and lameness, wildfire smoke, and whatever else the world has to throw at us, we’ll get you through your horse show blues.

Virtual horse shows? Online virtual horse showing is now available! MHA is available as a venue to film your Dressage test. Learn more at these links:

Horse show withdrawal?

Shows may be on hold, but that doesn’t mean your skills stop developing. Use this time to sharpen your skills! 

Now is the time to practice braiding, grooming and riding in all your show gear. You could easily set up a MOCK SHOW lesson where you prepare everything as you would for a show. Get useful practice refining these skills. Also in the works is the opportunity to have a demo from a professional A-circuit H/J groom on preparing your horse for their first rated show. We will cover proper rider and horse turnout. Stay tuned. 

MHA Practice Days at Historic Sequoia arena

Field Trips are a godsend. Trailer out and jump a course or have a dressage lesson off site. The day-use fee for Sequoia Arena is $20 for members and $25 non-members. Discounts for frequent visits! We can also arrange to have your rides videotaped. 


Sometimes all you need is to connect with fellow equestrians and riders. (Yay, social media. You’re good for something sometimes!) Kheystone Training has an Instagram account. Follow us @kheystonetraining and tag us in your fave horsey pics, barn life captures, or lesson moments. It's a great way to share and connect with the entire Kheystone family! See you there! 


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